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Socio-Environmental Conflicts Database ® - Author

Caption: This is a picture of the Database of Socio-Environmental Conflicts Database in Mexico Project's. The Database contains 268 records that include 18 project types, like Renewable Energy proyects as Wind, Solar, Hydroelectric and Geothermic, also Non Renewable Energy Proyects as Hydrocarbons, Nuclear and Thermoelectric, and Infrastructure proyects.

The Database is registered in the National Copyright Institute of Mexico.  Please cite the document as: 

Hernández-Cedeño, I. (2022), "Base de Datos de Conflictos Socio-ambientales en proyectos de México".


Captura de Pantalla 2021-07-21 a la(s) 16.18.30.png

Sales by Item - Salesforce Datorama, Tableau, and Power BI

Caption: This is a picture of a lower-funnel graph showing the sales by item on a given period of time, in this case, showing only the top ten items. I am proud of this graph because I was able to mirror and connect Salesforce, Tableau, and Power BI because of the different licenses of each area, but at the same time, they used to need the same information, and also it was my first Green Belt project to connect the full-funnel data from the app, all the social networks, and websites for each brand to finally optimize digital budget based on conversions by item.


Data Science for qualitative analysis  - Matlab and GeNIe

Caption: This is a picture of a model that I developed to predict the success or cancelation of large-scale projects, to get this model I previously develop 40 different models all under the Data Science Methodology, and in the end, I was able to predict the success or failure probability based on qualitative information like social and environmental factors, and also the possible cost of cancelation. The model successfully predicted the cancelation of an airport in the State of Mexico and of a  Wind Farm in Yucatán. I am proud of the results because many experts in the field did not believe in the model at the beginning but in the end, they wanted to buy it for offering correct results. This work was published in a high-impact international journal called "Energy Policy".

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Investment Track - Salesforce Datorama

Caption: This donut shows the investment of all the RRSS by objective, I created this visualization to track the evolution of digital campaigns depending on the length and objectives of the campaign and take action if the budget was incorrectly distributed.


Socio-environmental conflict map - Google Maps

Caption: This is a picture of the large-scale projects in Mexico where there are social and environmental conflicts that I created for the UNAM. I develop this map to analyze the correlation between geography large-scale projects, and social and environmental conflicts.

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B2B2C and DTC Geolocalized Campaigns - Python

Caption: This is a preview of the code that I develop to generate geolocated campaigns from spatial files and a database of B2B2C and DTC customers that can be applied to e-commerce and on-site sales. It helped to optimize the budget spent on RRSS and to increase the conversions to specific locations.


Key Influence Elements - Power BI

Description: This analysis provides insights into which elements to consider and their importance in the success of a large-scale project. This helped decision-makers to effectively address and develop action plans directed to the principal elements that could stop a project while they see the places where these action plans may impact. I enjoyed the results because of the graphic and quantitative results merged.


Executive report - Salesforce Datorama

Caption: This is the executive report that I develop for the Marketing VP on which he can see the principal brands and KPIs, in this case, the report was automated to be sent to him every time a KPI was in danger. I  am very happy with this report because I took the adoption of the platform not only to the data team but also to brand managers, area directors, and even the Marketing VP.

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Geo-Audience Analysis - Tableau

Caption: This is a picture of a Geographic analysis that I develop to identify the location of their consumers, there was a full set of maps by brand, improving the audience segmentation and at the same time the map organized by layers shows the places to avoid because of a duplicated audience..


Net Present Value Resilience - Excel 

Description: This graph that I created is modern and easy to understand. It helped some Energy Projects to analyze their NPV resilience at different investment scenarios. I am amazed by the results and the adoption of this new concept.


Universal Search Dashboard - Salesforce Datorama

Caption: This picture is from the upper part of a Dashboard connected to all the brands and RRSS accounts (YT, FB, IN, TW). I constructed it for the Media Director so he can be able to look out for any brand, RRSS, and KPI or a mix of the three on the same dashboard.

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Heatmap - Oracle MOAT

Caption: This is an example of a picture with a heatmap showing the user's attention, this kind of image helped me to identify where users are directing their attention in order to optimize creatives for each consumer audience and funnel location.

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Views Pyramid - Salesforce Datorama

Caption: This is a picture of a view that I develop and named as "Views Pyramid" in the pyramid is possible to see the length of the videos with a specific video KPI. At the right of the pyramid is the views trend showing the Completion Rate trend with a 7-day forecast.

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Audience Analysis - Salesforce Datorama

Caption: This is an example of audience analysis that I created to show the most important targeting interests ordered by the CTR that each one gives in a specific period of time. With this information is possible to give more insights and create campaigns and media for specific audiences.


KPI Tracker - Salesforce Datorama

Description: These gauges that I created are easy to interpret. This was the heading of a dashboard and helped people effectively track the principal KPIs. I am happy with the results and the popular adoption of the gauges through the team because after that I automate the report of this KPI and every Monday the directors received the pdf with this overview.


Fuzzy Inference System - Matlab

Caption: This is a picture of the Fuzzy Inference System that I created for the UNAM. With this model is possible to include some social aspects in the CAPM and WACC models.


Risk Reaction Matrix 

Description: This image that I created is eye-catching and easy to use. It helped a Bank to design a strategy to prevent risk. I am thrilled about its impact and I am happy about the results.


Want to know more?

I have developed a lot of projects and information about data science, marketing, energy, sustainability and more, some of them have to be edited to hide sensitive information.

This site is in constant change, maybe tomorrow you can find something new!

​“I never imagined that the telemarketing process could be so efficient. Thanks so much!”

​​Jorge S, General Manager

“My clients are happy and also I because the orders are being finished on time.”

​​Alberto R, 8loocky Seller

“A task that used to take me hours can be done in minutes or I can even wait for the report to arrive if there is a KPI at risk thanks to the KPI dashboard.”

​​Sinuhé G, Media Director

“It used to take days to segment a geolocated campaign through a map and drawing circles manually, now with the python model we can segment in minutes.”

​​Gabriela L, BEES Director

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